Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Game 1/24/10 Death of a Friend

Players present:Mordek, Travin, Taneus.
After dispatching the naga, the cache of items is taken topside and the serpent is beheaded as proof that the deed was carried out. After working out some details with Mendel (the shopkeeper) the question of entitlement and payment is answered. The items will be given as payment and they will be magically identified for the mere price of components. At midnight or there abouts as everyone but Queg is sorting through the items the interior of the shop immediately fills with a mist. Dwarven, Aasimar, and Orcen darkvision kicks in but only to the extent of five feet. Everyones ears pick up where their eyes have failed, they hear a wet slick sound followed by a grunt and a great thud. A soft thudding sound follows then soft footfalls on stone are heard from below. The priest moves to investigate and finds Queg prone. He immediately lays his hands on the half orc. Mendel discovers that the mist is stationary and exits the shop in time to see someone exiting the sewer from a street grate, several yards from the shop. Hearing that Queg is down Mordek moves to get his companion out of the mist so he can be assessed. Travin moves to check on Taneus and arrives in time to see the elf transform into a frilled felldrake. The beast exits the shop and gives chase on the person exiting the sewer. Travin exits inches in front of Mordek dragging Queg from the building. Travin heal checks the barbarian to find that the half orc is beyond healing and his soul has departed.

Queg Bor of Bumfor, smithy, survivor of countless encounters, seeker of the magical forges of the forgemaster Durgeddin the Black has died.

As the vultures circle, thieves and other nefarious types, with their eyes on Quegs belongings and his magical hand and a half sword, Mordek and Travin stand vigil over there fallen companion. Travin insists that he should be taken to the temple of Pelor. They send Mendel for a cart.
Giving chase, Taneus rifles through the streets but in his present shape, pedestrians scream and give the felldrake a wide berth. He catches up to the alleged assailant and spies him discussing something with the half elf lackeys that Thalinor witnessed following the group earlier in the evening. Taneus switches targets and begins to follow the two half elves. Too late Taneus realizes his mistake as the pursued turn and smile. The assassin's blade digs deep into the felldrake, as he stealthily approached Taneus from behind. The sorcerer's life blood ebbs from the gaping wound but manages, by sheer will alone, to survive. As the drow assassin's next stroke starts to fall, the felldrake hastily retreats and makes for the only place he knows he can get healing, the temple of Pelor. At the temple he dispells his disguise and drinks a potion then enters the temple.
After some time Mordek and Travin arrive with Queg in tow. Morga, the head cleric, goes over the options, none are easy or cheap. Time is not on the groups side. XP conferred, game ends.

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