Sunday, January 22, 2012


YEAR 0-Recorded History begins.
YEAR 115-Plague sweeps across the super continent Caranarth.
YEAR 248-Warlike human tribe called the Aldear take over western Caranarth.
YEAR 249-The evil city of Tarthel founded in the east.
YEAR 258-Tarthel blight reaches the Great River.
YEAR 259-Tarthelish raiders sack the ancient city of Respit.
Aldearans retaliate by razing Poulas.
Great River War begins.
YEAR 348-Zan born.
YEAR 362-Zan's family killed by Tarthelish inquisitors. Begins magic studies.
YEAR 366-General Larthim battles Tarthelish hoarde to a stalemate at Broshnir.
YEAR 367-Achuak Kothar(the Green Demon)destroys General Larthim's forces at Glinil.
YEAR 369-Informal truce broken by Aldearan mage Zan in Tarthel.
YEAR 374-Tarthelish forces defeated. Great River War ends 115 years after it began.
YEAR 379-Weaving old and terrible magic Zan destroys himself,begins Age of Sunder.

YEAR 1 of the 2nd Age-Caranarth splits,half population perishes.Aldearan line ends.
YEAR 36-Disease and famine rampant. Permanent settlements begin to spring up.
YEAR 38-Mages blamed for Age of Sunder. Spellbane War begins.
YEAR 134-Mages construct Vunderbilt as magical fortress.
YEAR 137-Durgeddin begins constructing Khundrukar.
YEAR 142-Spellbane War ends.
Straagor founded.
2nd Age ends.

YEAR 1 of the 3rd Age-Xeptor plunges into civil war.
YEAR 23-Staagor moved north and Old Town founded in a deluge.
YEAR 57-Kevril Tervish War Priest of Wee Jas crowned first Alabaster Cup winner.
YEAR 58-Kevril Tervish drowned in Del Ron for heresy.
YEAR 63-Achuak Kothar sides with Faroril Ormarorn ending civil war in Xeptor.
Ormarorn crowned Emperor.
YEAR 115-Zan belongings gathered then scattered and Evertree created in Tyrell.
YEAR 129-Northern peoples of Straag found Farnoth and begin trade with lower realm.
YEAR 222-Valen Vexx born in Erelhei-Cinlu.
YEAR 278-Brother Helgar pilgrimages Wolfguard brings religion to Nerom.
YEAR 398-Fazu comes to Luxor forest.
YEAR 407-Achuak Kethend born to Achuak Kothar and Voristrix Miirik
YEAR 433-Cornelius Wallace steals Unger's coin purse.

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