Wednesday, December 30, 2009


If you were to run into Zan and his familiar Thresharr just months before their demise this is approximately what you would have found...minus some particulars of course like his magical items and defenses.

Zan, Male Human Wiz13/ArMa5: CR 18; Medium Humanoid ; HD 13d4+13(Wizard) , 5d4+5(Archmage)
; hp 70; Init +2; Spd 30; AC:12 (Flatfooted:10 Touch:12); Atk +9/4 base melee, +11/6 base ranged; +9/4 (1d4, Dagger); +5/0 (1d3, Unarmed strike);
AL NE; SV Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +15; STR 10, DEX 15, CON 12, INT 22, WIS 16, CHA 15.
Skills: Concentration +22, Craft (Alchemy) +25, Decipher Script +27, Knowledge (Arcana) +27, Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) +18, Knowledge (Religion) +27, Knowledge (The Planes) +27, Spellcraft +32.

Feats: Brew Potion, Combat Casting, Craft Staff, Craft Wondrous Item, Forge Ring, Improved Familiar, Scribe Scroll, Skill Focus: Spellcraft, Spell Focus: Evocation, Spell Focus: Necromancy, Spell Mastery(6).

Spells Known (Wiz 4/6/6/5/5/5/5/3/3/2):

0 -- Acid Splash, Amanuensis, Arcane Mark, Caltrops, Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Ghost, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Disrupt Ectoplasm, Disrupt Undead, Electric Jolt, Electric Jolt, Flare, Ghost Sound, Horizikaul`s Cough, Launch Bolt, Launch Bolt, Launch Item, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, No Light, Open/Close, Preserve Ectoplasm, Preserve Organ, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Repair Minor Damage, Repair Minor Damage, Resistance, Silent Portal, Silent Portal, Slash Tongue, Sonic Snap, Stick, Stick, Touch of Fatigue, Unnerving Gaze;

1st -- Alarm, Burning Hands, Cause Fear, Charm Person, Feather Fall, Hold Portal, Magic Missile, Shocking Grasp, True Strike;

2nd -- Arcane Lock, Bull`s Strength, Flaming Sphere, Spider Climb, Tasha`s Hideous Laughter;

3rd -- Blink, Slow, Suggestion, Vampiric Touch;

4th -- Bestow Curse, Dimension Door, Invisibility, Greater;

5th -- Bigby`s Interposing Hand, Cloudkill, Dominate Person, Permanency;

6th -- Antimagic Field, Chain Lightning, Circle of Death, Disintegrate;

7th -- Bigby`s Grasping Hand, Shadow Conjuration, Greater, Spell Turning, Summon Monster VII;

8th -- Discern Location, Horrid Wilting, Incendiary Cloud, Shout, Greater;

9th -- Power Word, Kill, Prismatic Sphere, Shades, Soul Bind.

Spells Prepared (Wiz 4/6/6/5/5/5/5/3/3/2): 0 - Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Light; 1st - Burning Hands, Cause Fear, Magic Missile x2, Shocking Grasp, True Strike; 2nd - Bull`s Strength, Flaming Sphere x2, Spider Climb, Tasha`s Hideous Laughter x2; 3rd - Blink, Slow, Suggestion, Vampiric Touch x2; 4th - Bestow Curse x2, Dimension Door, Invisibility, Greater x2; 5th - Bigby`s Interposing Hand, Cloudkill x2, Dominate Person, Permanency; 6th -- Antimagic Field, Chain Lightning, Circle of Death, Disintegrate; 7th - Shadow Conjuration, Greater, Spell Turning, Summon Monster VII; 8th - Horrid Wilting, Incendiary Cloud, Shout, Greater; 9th - Power Word, Kill, Prismatic Sphere.

Weapons: Quarterstaff (0 gp); Dagger (2 gp).
Goods: Coin: gp (77268) (77,268 gp); Robe, Silk (5 gp); Arcane lab (500 gp); Arcane library (10,000 gp); Spellbook, wizard`s (2) (30 gp); Diamond dust (100 gp); Signet ring, platinum (2) (100 gp).

Thresharr, Male T&B, Familiar, Imp : CR 1/10; Tiny Outsider (Evil,Lawful); HD 18d8 ( Outsider) ; hp 35; Init + 3; Spd 20, Fly, Perfect 50; AC 22; Atk + 11 base melee, + 14 base ranged; +14 ( 1d4, Sting ); SA: Poison (Ex) , Spell-like Abilities Detect Good 6 At Will Detect Magic 6 At Will Invisibility 6 At Will Suggestion 6 1 ; SQ: Darkvision (Ex): 60 ft., No Dual Nature (Ex); AL LE; SV Fort + 8, Ref + 14, Will + 19; STR 10, DEX 17, CON 10, INT 12, WIS 12, CHA 10.
Skills: Concentration +22, Craft (__________) +25, Hide +26, Listen +6, Move Silently +8, Search +6, Spellcraft +32, Spot +6.
Feats: Dodge, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Weapon Finesse.

Last Game

In the future I plan to date the gaming session. Players present were Mordek and Taneus.
Following the dining fiasco, Mordek and Taneus left Travin to his studies and Thalinor to his gambling. The two went in search of Scotty Quickflash, finding him in the Adventurer's Guild Hall. After a not so subtle bribe, Scotty divulges that an assassin has been employed to eliminate someone in or all of the party. Not just any old assassin mind you, but the best money could buy. The number two assassin of the Straagor guild, D'gru uth Dunne. A drow rogue, exiled from the Underdark for unnecessarily taking life. (The drow prefer to immobilize their victims, much like spiders do.)
Feeling the need to replenish the coffers, Taneus and Mordek go in search of work and find a magic and alchemical shop plaqued by a spirit naga. They vow to return with help, the proprietor vows to pay with items as he has been unable to make a living with the evil serpent in his shop.
That is where that session left off.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Caldor timeline, as I remember them.

This is a brief synapse of the events that have shaped the lives of our intrepid adventurers.

Mordek, traveling from Bumfor with an artisan named Unger. Taneus, arrives in Tyrell from Salaan. Cornelius Wallace swipes Unger's coin purse. Mordek gives chase, driving the child into a collision with Taneus. The street kid quickly liberates the elf's coin purse and makes good his escape.

Mordek and Taneus join forces and delve into the child's lair. Mordek is envenomated by a monstrous scorpion that burst through the wall. Prompting some healing by a kindly woman named Meg and her lovely assistant Luvanna. The two curious spelunkers uncover a chest and parchment that will shape the course of events to come.

Retrieve some moneys from Cornelius, patronize Rend's store. Waylaid by a ghoul atop Goblin's Knob. The two speak with Merek, the magistrate of Tyrell. They find him somewhat aloof but helpful. They discover the local stable master is nearly nightly losing horses. They re-enter the Evertree and battle dire rats. The dwarf contracts filth disease. That evening they discover goblins stealing Gilliams horses. Battle ensues and the goblins escape. Mordek ends up in the garrison with a goblin cellmate.

After showing some skill in battle Cornelius is outfitted by Mordek and Taneus and they set about tracking the goblins. Half a day outside of Tyrell they are attacked by stirges.

They enter Luxor Forest only to be attacked by wolves. Then meet up with the presiding druid of the wood, Fazu. He finds the recent activity in the wood disturbing and takes the adventurers into Jades lair. A young green dragon and if she had any idea that her power outstrips Fazu's they wouldn't have made it out of there alive.

They track down the horses and dispatch the goblins and find notes and discover that Tyrell is in peril. They rush to the rescue.

Upon arriving, they find Tyrell ablaze. Religious zealots have razed the city to force a piece of parchment out into the open. An elaborate plan set out by Valen Vexx. A priest, Cedrik and Tundil are captured. Tundil commits suicide and Cedrik escapes to a sailing vessel called the gargoyle.

Companions battle and kill the magistrate Merek who turns out is suffering from lycanthrope. Tyrell in ruin, Meg placed in charge. Vorace charged with Tyrells defenses.

Leave Tyrell for Nerom. Make camp just past the crossroads. Taking Luvanna to the clerics of Obad Hai for training. Attacked by ogres in the evening. Discover that the dwarf did not escape the battle with Merek without contracting lycanthrope.

Arrive in Nerom to find it under siege from with in. Priests of Eurythnul have subjegated the populace. After many days and much scheming they liberate the city and take the road to Bumfor.

Enter Bumfor, and retrieve gnomish ore, battle kobolds and find another piece of the Zan puzzle. Begin back for Tyrell.

Tyrell an entirely different city, Gargoyle arrives, Taneus makes a deal with Valen Vexx. Head back to the pass and for Kundrakar.

Spend a week in Kundrakar, nearly freeing it. Injuries and lack of supplies send them back to Bumfor. Discover murder mystery and battle Malward the Mad.

Travel back to Tyrell, board the Seahorse, and travel to a new continent. Encounter the Wraith and arrive in Old Town. Battle spiders and the denizens of Underdark.

Travel north to Straagor, encounter the Ravagers, and knights. escorted to the King.
Find the King bears a striking resemblence to Cornelius.

That brings us pretty much to present day, The descriptions from here on out will be much more detailed. These are the events, as I remember them, without looking at notes or such things.

If any of you have any suggestions of things you would like to see in here I am, as always, all ears.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Looks like trouble

This, Plus

This, Equals...D'gru uth Dunne


As one might imagine, the map above is a very crude representation of the world you are walking around in. I will be updating the map as you discover more lands and I refine my mapping skills

Welcome to Caldor

I am going to try to keep this as up to date as I can and maybe include some back stories and character profiles as they become available. It is my sincere wish that those who miss games can keep up to speed on the basics or just stop in to see how the story is progressing. I can always use help. I may count heavily, and unfairly so, on our unofficial yet diligent chronicler. Mordek(Nate) has a gift for organization that I can only hope, wish, and aspire to one day attain. Until that day though I may have to borrow some notes. I hope this works as well as I hope.