Gameplay Date 04-22-07
Players present: Mordek, Taneus
The Battle of Teryll - part 2
The kid wasted no time as he hopped up on top of the altar and started swinging his sword at the acolytes to keep them away from Luvana. I followed right behind and bull rushed the one that had been holding Luvana's arms, right into the wall at the back of the room. He slumped to the ground unconscious. Taneus followed us in and started pulling Luvana clear as Corny stabbed at the woman who had been holding her feet. The other man started swinging back with the dagger in his hands. Corny managed to get in a killing blow on the woman and jumped back off the altar as Taneus & Luvana cleared the room. Fazu yelled for me to get out too as he was going to reclose the door on them. Fazu grabbed the orb off of the pedestal in the outer room and I started retreating backwards myself. But the door didn't close fast enough and the acolyte with the dagger managed to exit the room before it was sealed off again... his unconscious friend wasn't so lucky though... good luck getting out on your own, ya bastard! Now with more room to fight and the numbers decidedly in our favor, the last acolyte didn't last long. Heading back out though, we had to suffer another blast of cold from that damn Glyph thing. Once on the other side, Taneus hands out a few more of his "drahf" leaves to me & the kid to deal with our newest injuries, and to Luvana to help with her minor wounds. Fazu takes the orb with him so no one should be able to reopen that altar room.
Heading back towards the well entrance, we're stopped by the darnedest thing... the sound of gleeful laughter is coming from the rat hole, accompanied by a few frustrated screams, which spark even more laughter. We handed a torch to Luvana and gave her a dagger so she could defend herself, then started crawling back into the rat tunnels to find out the source of all the commotion. The sounds are coming from the long western branch and lead us all the way back to the room where the coffins had fallen from the ceiling. Inside was Meggit, looking like he was having the time of his life, fending off two skeletons, a zombie and a priestly looking man in half-plate armor... and he was using a wooden sword to do it. He was bouncing all over the room staying just ahead of the undead creatures and every once in a while, getting in a good whack on the priest and making him scream out in ever-growing anger. As we all crawled into the room one by one in order to help Meggit, the priest managed to keep the undead creatures between him and us. As the fight ranged around the room, the priest managed to get back to the tunnel entrance and started crawling away. Quickly drawing and loading my crossbow, I was able to shoot one bolt into the priest's fleeing arse before he rounded a corner and disappeared from sight. We dispatched the undead creatures as quick as we could then set out to follow the priest.
His tracks turned left at the very next intersection, which was a tunnel that none of us had explored yet in all of our trips down here. It goes on in a northeasterly direction for about 60', then seems to turn eastward again. Heading up the new tunnel, I can hear Fazu talking to Luvana behind me. He's telling her that she may not realize it, but she's been chosen as a cleric of Obad-Hai... focus people... we're still chasing a bad man here! As we turn the corner, the tunnel actually opens up into a proper passageway and there, about 30' away, is our priest, struggling to open a very heavy and very locked door. He turns and comes at us with a last desperate attack, but with help from my friends, we manage to knock him down & out. As I pull out my rope and start hog-tying our new prisoner, Corny has already searched him and came up with 2 potions, 2 scrolls, a very well crafted morning star, half-plate armor emblazoned with the symbol of Erythnul, and a coin purse with 100 gold, 26 silver & 4 copper pieces in it. After securing our prisoner, we took a look at the door that kept him from escaping. There doesn't seem to be a lock, but the door won't budge. There's just two words carved into it's surface... "LEVI - OMON." As I was pondering how to bypass the door physically, Taneus was using his head and said the words "EVIL - MOON" and there was a soft click as the door unlocked.
Maybe we should have left it locked... for when Corny opened the door, a huge stench wafted out at us... damn! That reeks! Trying hard not to breathe it in, we found ourselves in a 15' x 15' room that was covered with filth. Hard to say when anyone last cleaned down here as we didn't linger. There was another large, locked metal door straight ahead of us. The kid ran over and tried to jimmy the lock with his dagger. I pulled out my toolset and handed it to him, saying "try these." Unfortunately, he didn't have any better luck. Taneus came over and took a long look at the lock, then he asked for one of the metal picks from my tools. A few words and a wave of his fingers and the pick turned itself into a key, and with a click, the second door was unlocked. Pushing it open created a loud screeching sound as metal grated on metal... hope whoever lives here is deaf. We came out into a room, 35' wide x 30' long, with very dim light coming from wall sconces spaced about 15' apart. There are lots of crates, chests and barrels in here, and a staircase in the center of the room leading upward. Taking a quick peak in the chests revealed quite a bit of coin, but until I knew whose basement we were in, I didn't feel right taking any of it. Instead I went over to the stairs and quietly climbed upward to get a peak at the upstairs.
Taneus was right behind me as we found ourselves looking upon a well appointed room. There was a fireplace to our left with a kitchen/pantry to it's left, 2 doors on the wall behind us that looked like they lead to sleeping quarters, a couple of sturdy tables surrounded by chairs filled the center of the room, and ahead of us were a pair of double doors with windows on both sides. There was a lot of commotion coming from just outside those closed doors, so sneaking quietly over to the windows, we took a peek outside. There were Merrick, Cedric and Tundle fighting off several of the crazies that were causing all the trouble around the city... we're inside the Magistrate's house. Well that decided it... with the hedge wall surrounding the building and only the one exit that Merrick and company were steadfastly defending, we didn't think it wise to leave by that route. So we decided to head back down into the tunnels and exit via the hole in the ceiling in the room where we had found Meggit. As we came back down the stairs to collect everyone, including our prisoner, Corny was trying to drag one of the heavy chests of money out with him. We told him to leave it, which he didn't seem to like very much, but he put it back where he found it. Arriving back in the room with the skeletons & zombie, we started helping people up and out of the hole in the ceiling. Meggit was being awful quiet though... and he's got a weird look on his face. We ask him if he's alright and he mumbles a response... and a gold coin spits out of his mouth in the process. Damn kid... stuffed his mouth full of treasure while we were upstairs... can't take your eyes offa them for a second!!
To be continued...
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