I'm not sure how big the map will actually display, so you may not be able to make out all of the numbers. In any event, here is the list of prominent buildings in Nerom.
1. The High Temple
2. The Grove - serving the temples of Obad-Hai and Corellan Larenthian
3. The Temple of Wee Jas and the graveyard
4. The Temple of St. Cuthbert
5. The Temple of Pelor
6. The Temple of Hextor
7. The Temple of Erythnul
8. Corna's General Store
9. The Stone's Throw Inn
10. The Scarlett Jester
11. Zelnus's Armory & Weapons Shop
12. Vidgath's "Once Owned" Shop
13. Briar's Stables
14. Kelper's Wagon Shop
15. The Flaming Priest Tavern
16. The Voulder Mynstral Eatery & Tavern
17. Zeliath's Smithy
18. The Monk's Wagon Tavern
19. The Chalice & Mace Tavern
20. The Golden Shrine Tavern
21. The Temple of Olidammara (not pictured), about 1 mile outside of town on the road to Teryll
22. Future site of the Temple of Mordek... err... Moradin

Well done, the chronicles of Mordek are coming along nicely. Some great times wrapped up in those notes.